Inspiration Corner When we combine clarity, commitment, and faith with action, miracles happen. ~ Yoshie #weeklyinspiration #inspiration...
Destined to Blossom
Every seed of desire contains within a destiny to blossom. ~ Yoshie Miakoda #spirituality #weeklyinspiration #inspiration #Empowerment...
Messages from Spirits - 3 Things Your Loved Ones May Want You to Know...
Dealing with the loss of someone dear to our heart is truly difficult and painful. In this episode, I’ll talk about 3 things that your...
Inspiration Corner Learn to connect with Spirit within. Love is the powerful language of Spirit. ~ Yoshie #weeklyinspiration #inspiration...
When you set your intention and take a leap of faith, you’ve begun to dance with the magical forces of the Universe. ~ Yoshie...
Breathe... Give yourself a deserving break. Breathe in peace, grace, and calmness… and breathe out tension and stress. When you put...
Inspiration Corner Trust your intuition. Choose to listen to that quiet inner guidance that is in alignment with your Highest Self. Stay...
Inspiration Corner Forgiving doesn’t mean you continue to tolerate abusive, hurtful behavior of others, but instead, it’s ‘for-giving’...
Letting Go
Let go of any attachment to a specific outcome and move from controlling to allowing. When you surrender to the creative forces of the...
Commit yourself to move away from negativity and stand in the power of your beautiful soul. You’ll then begin to see signs of joy and...