Ready to Get Crystal Clear,
Wake UP to Your Calling,
Make a Bigger Impact, and
Live Your Life Purpose?
You’re in the Right Place!
Divine Purpose Unleashed
Coaching Program
Wake Up to Your Calling and Step Into Your Brillance
Dear Spiritual Seeker,
If you are here reading this then I know a thing or two about you …
You feel what you have been doing no longer fulfills you and cannot ignore that inner void any more.
You’ve always known there was more to life than what most people do and you’ve spent your whole life searching for solutions to create a purpose driven life.
You feel more than ever being called to step up to the plate and do something truly meaningful with your life.
You have a burning desire to be of service to others and create an impact that is in alignment with your highest self but feel stuck and lost.
You are feeling the way you are because...
You are a leader and difference-maker.
You know you are meant for something more.
Your life has already equipped you with rich experiences, wisdom, knowledge, skills, strength, and so much more. It’s about time to apply what you’ve learned and use that to make a difference in this world and live your sacred life purpose.
You don't have to have fancy degrees and qualifications to live your divine purpose. (If you have them, that’s awesome!!) You don’t have to be “gifted” to live your divine purpose. The truth is your life has gifted you with many challenges and you successfully overcame them by learning to effectively tap into the gifts of your rich inner resources. Your life has already qualified you to live your most amazing joy-filled, purposeful life.
Living your sacred path requires so much more than just your life qualifications, however…
Understating and connecting with your inner Spirit and your uniqueness supported by clarity, commitment, dedication, focus, and taking courageous inspired action add so much more to your living a fulfilling life.
Through Divine Purpose Unleashed Coaching, I’m excited to help you gain clarity that will guide you as a beacon of light as you courageously and confidently step into your creative flow and birth something that is so beautiful and nurtures your soul so you can find even deeper meaning in your daily life.
Divine Purpose Unleashed Coaching is Perfect for You If:
You're ready to put yourself in the driver’s seat of your life’s journey, honor your desire to do something meaningful and make a bigger impact.
You don't want to be wasting another 10 years of your life, wondering what you are supposed to do here on Earth or feeling like a lost soul without a sense of purpose or direction.
You don't want to feel frustrated, thinking over and over that “there must be more to life than this.”
It’s Time for You to Stop Hiding Your
Light Under a Bushel…
It breaks my heart to see so many talented people frustrated to find their purpose in life, to find their place in the world that helps them shine from inside out.
I absolutely know how that feels because I felt that same frustration for so many years, and I even travelled to many countries to try to find my calling!
I jumped from one thing to another, never feeling satisfied with what I was doing. I always knew though I could do more… I said to myself over and over in the past, “There must be a place for me in this world!” but I didn't know what and how.
Through trial and error backed with Spiritual Support, I now live my life purpose!
That's why I'm so passionate about sharing my discoveries and helping you connect with your passion so that you feel confident, believe in yourself, and be committed to go all in to achieve a level of mastery.
You're About to Discover the 4 Essential Stages to Wake Up to Your Calling and Live Your Divinely Inspired Joyful Life...
Here’s What You’ll Get from the Divine Purpose Unleashed Coaching …
You’ll uncover your sacred life theme and patterns that have made you unique and stand out.
You’ll learn to masterfully laser in and shake off your limitations, blocks, and doubts that are keeping you playing small and to courageously step into your power to make a bigger impact.
You’ll learn to combine your deepest desires, interests, and life experiences to create the life that you feel proud of and earn income – part time or full time.
You’ll feel more confident and empowered as a transformational agent and truly be living your Divine Purpose.
You’ll get crystal clear on your action steps to courageously express your inner genius and realize your sacred vision, the thing that you were born to do.
Journey Into Your Sacred Self
In the first stage, you'll discover your unique sacred life themes and patterns that have prepared you to make an impact. You don’t need any fancy degrees and you don’t need to be perfect to be a life transformer. Your life experiences are unique and you are packed with strengths, wisdom, and solutions to life’s challenges that can be shared to make a positive difference in this world. There is nobody like you in this world. You are specially made and have unique perspecive. You are going to start the journey into your sacred self so that you can uncover your gems. Plus, you are going to love the 7 steps for uncovering your sacred life lessons.

Design Your Life for Soulful Success
In the second stage, you'll learn how to design your life for soulful success.
You'll discover your sacred mission, your WHY and the 7-step envisioning process that ignites your passion to courageously step up to the plate and express your brilliance. You’ll define WHO and HOW you want to serve with the experiences, skills, and knowledge that you already have within you. You have something that only you can give to the world. You'll be excited to wake up every morning doing the work you love.
Plus, you’ll get my Action Guide Template that will save you 3 hours of time every day so that you can spend your time doing the things that nurture your soul.
Plus, you'll see exactly how to design your life in a way that's purpose-driven so that you NEVER AGAIN get stuck in the cycle of confusion and purposelessness.

Awaken the Wise Spirit Messenger
At Stage 3, you’re going to learn how to awaken the wise spirit messenger within you. You’ll discover an effective way to generate and build solid spiritual energy and create beautiful energetic harmony within you. Your newly charged energy will naturally repel harmful, unwanted energies and bring great opportunities and people into your life. You'll also learn a simple but powerful method to supercharge your attraction magnetism which will make it easy for you to manifest your heart's desire. It is really powerful!! You'll learn the secret.
You have what it takes to awaken the wise spirit messenger within you!

Practical Soulful Living Mastery
In the fourth stage, you’ll learn how to tap into your psychic and spiritual senses to create a soulful life. You’ll learn how to connect with your soul to get inspired, be creative, and trust your intuition. You’ll also learn how to confidently take inspired action and supercharge your life with joy and purpose. You'll also uncover 3 fatal mistakes people make in trusting their intuition. Plus, you’ll discover when to keep working at your goals and when to call it quits. You’ll also learn how to build powerful teamwork with your spirit guides so that you can actualize your potential and live a spirit-guided life.

Divine Purpose Unleashed
Coaching Program
This is a 1 year highly personalized and focused coaching. You’ll also receive training materials and all the resources you need to gain clarity on your life path and courageously begin your transformative journey.
Transformers' Voices

Kayko Tamaki CHt
The Owner
Heart & Soul Hypnosis
The problems that I was having before I signed up for coaching was the lack of direction and execution in harnessing my potential, my passion, and my ideas in a manner that could be practical. I was in a toxic relationship, I was having issues with my family, and feeling overall lost and defeated. I knew that I had something wonderful to offer and so much that I want to do-- I just needed someone who encompasses both strategy and spirituality to really understand me and guide me through all aspects of my life that need attention.
I am still in my coaching relationship with Yoshie and each time we meet the changes I go through are drastic. I have ended my toxic relationship, improved my relationship with my family, and have over all changed my outlook on myself and all that is possible.
I like most that which each session I get full presence from Yoshie. Every time we meet the theme is parallel to what is exactly happening at my life in that moment. I value that Yoshie is well rounded as a coach and individual. She has an awareness of all elements that for me are very important: business, intuition, spirit, health, strategy, healing, wellness, holistic solutions, practicality, and humor.
I would recommend this for the very reason I did it for myself. To invest in yourself because you are worth it. Because success starts with believing in yourself, investing in yourself whatever that may look like, and knowing that with that intention and trust-- you will reap.
I would like to add that I am so excited about where this is going. I feel like so much has transpired thus far-- and it is incredibly thrilling to be in this place at this time, performing the way that I am, and to welcome all that is coming with trusting and open arms.
Kayko Tamaki CHt
"Because Success Starts With Believing In Yourself, Investing In Yourself Whatever That May Look Like, And Knowing That With That Intention And Trust--
You Will Reap."

Martin Pedersen
Before my coaching with Yoshie, I was brooding over different topics, what caused lack of energy and self-confidence. I was too much in the head with the energy and not in balance and disconnected. It felt as if I was standing in my own way, not letting the worries be, since I didn’t dare, nor knowing how to progress.
Through coaching, I learned again how strong our thoughts really are and the knowledge about the power of attraction. Said so, I realized that its not about getting rid of thinking, its more of how I respond to it and being able not to feel as their victim. Its possible to channel and focus them – that’s in my hands. As more as I am aware of this, the better it will work out for me.
Yoshie has a lot of humor, but on the same hand, she is very direct and congruent. I recommend Yoshie’s coaching, since the coaching is help for self help! Step by step you will feel self-competent and more and more independent again. It can help you to release more of that potential that you were wishing for. It can even show aspects of you, that you didn’t even know or dare thinking of before! Thank you very much for your great help!
Martin Pedersen
Doing The Same Thing
Over And Over Again
And Expecting Different Results.
~Albert Einstein

Serena Chang
Silicon Valley, CA
No one will deny Yoshie's authenticity in helping you achieve your dreams. She coached me through the 12 week high performance coaching program with passion, insightfulness like no other, and offered a wide spectrum of perspectives and valuable framework to approach obstacles and blockages. Sometimes you just need a small pivot in your thoughts and actions to go around that roadblock in your journey, and Yoshie is a champion to lead you through the blindspots and help you level up in all areas of your high performance life. You'll emerge inspired, grateful, and charged with a new urgency and clarity to make the most out of your life! Thank you Yoshie! I look forward to continue working with you!
Serena Chang

Lori Nordlum
Retired Legal Secretary from the Attorney General’s Office
Honolulu, HI
Oh my Yoshie, you are absolutely the most amazing woman I have met in a long, long time. It was such a pleasure for me to have you as my life coach for the last 6 weeks. I always look forward to FaceTime with you on Wednesdays at 12:00. You have helped me so much, putting things into perspective for me and you have made finding solutions to my challenges so simple and workable. I really appreciated your follow up notes after our sessions. It made it so easy for me to recall our session and the important points we discussed.
Thank you Yoshie for being such a bright light in my life. Thank you for the awesome 6 week coaching we had together. Those sessions did me so much good, and you reaffirmed the person I am, and that I’ve always been.
I especially appreciate the medium session we had when we talked about my deceased husband. That session was so special and meaningful to me, especially when my mother, who had passed away many years ago, came through and you communicating to me that my mother loves my husband.
We were so much in love and close, to his last breath. I will always love him. I still talk to him, I still read our family devotions word in the morning with him as if he were still here. I believe he is with me in spirit. I feel his presence everyday.
Thank you Yoshie for making this connection with my mother and my husband, and for reaffirming the person God created me to be. I’ll never forget that experience, I’ll never forget that day.
God bless you for what you do and for all the lives you have touched. Thank you.

Prior to working with Yoshie, I was struggling to put together a spiritually based program and coaching business. I had the passion and the components. Yoshie helped me customize my program to answer the needs of my clients. She’s helped me fine-tune each aspect of my business.
I found Yoshie a few years ago when I was looking to have a qualified Medium give me a reading in Honolulu. I was very impressed with her ability and the reading. I am a Medium and have taught hundreds of people how to connect with Spirit. I am quite discerning when it comes to going to a Medium for a reading.
I have kept an eye on Yoshie through her website and when I survived a cancer diagnosis last year, I looked her up and saw she was also offering spiritual coaching. I chose to work with her because my work is spiritually based and I feel her connection to Spirit provides the depth of connection I need. The business I am now in is working with individuals and groups is in service of Spirit.
I have gotten clarity on how to turn my passion into a business that serves people, Spirit and me.
I appreciate Yoshie’s positive, honest and spiritual approach to coaching. I highly recommend her as a coach, mentor and Medium.

Crystal Lee
Spiritual healer & Teacher
Las Vegas, NV
I found Yoshie on a magazine and when I saw her I just knew that she is the one who could help me. I signed up for her mentorship program after I had a reading session with her. I am so glad that I trusted my intuitive hunch to work with her.
She helped me rid of many of my negative beliefs that were blocking me from receiving guidance, tapping into my spiritual abilities, and prospering my spiritual business. Each meeting was so powerful. She helped me build my spiritual power and I’m so confident in my ability to do healing for others. Just as exactly what Yoshie had told me, once I changed my energy, my business started prospering! I’m so grateful for all that Yoshie helped me overcome and am so excited about receiving and experiencing all the good that is coming into my life.
Thank you so much for believing in me, Yoshie.
With gratitude and love
Crystal Lee

Brittany Yap
Alameda, CA (originally from Maui, HI)
Reiki Master, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Life Coach
Words cannot truly express the amount of gratitude I feel for Yoshie coming into my life. She has been a part of my life for the last 7 years and has been an amazing spiritual mentor and a big reason why I had the confidence to shift my career path several years ago and start my own healing/coaching business. She is straight-forward, honest and challenges me to step into my power every time we talk. She also shows a lot of grace and compassion as well.
When I first met Yoshie, I didn't realize it then, but I was going through a spiritual awakening. Times like these can be a confusing and scary time for most, and Yoshie played a huge part in my healing journey. Through her teachings I have learned more about Reiki, which unleashed my power to heal myself and others. This teaching in itself is priceless! She was the first person I witnessed doing this kind of work that was able to support her family and offer her gifts to clients in the most loving and honest way full time. She showed me a healer could be business savvy. (An area where most healers lack.) I started my business late 2013. I steadily grew my clientele in Hawai'i. Then when I moved to California two years ago, I grew my clientele here as well. This year I will easily gross 6-figures, thanks to the help of Yoshie. She and I have also created a plan for that number to grow even more by next year.
I recently took Yoshie's coaching program. I believe what makes her a great coach is she ties in the spiritual aspect with the financial. What better than to work with a highly intuitive business coach! Her methods are straight-forward and easy to follow. And you know she wants the best for every client she works with. I have already recommended her to more than 50 of my own friends, family and clients over the years.
In 2012, I initially went to see Yoshie because I was looking for a way to communicate with my friend who passed away. She is the best medium I've ever worked with. She has successfully channeled more than 6 of my loved ones over the years. My mom, husband, friends and clients have also seen Yoshie for spirit communication sessions. I have also done the following with Yoshie over the years: past life regression, spirit regression (to learn about my spirit guides), business coaching, Reiki certification course, and mediumship training. Each time, I leave these sessions with such clarity and a feeling of calm and confidence. Thank you, Yoshie. For everything!

Phuong Bruggman
Spiritual Medium & Healer
Massage Therapist
License nails technician
Cosmetics Tattoo Artist
Massage Therapist
Last year I lost my Mom. One month prior to her passing, we had a little argument and my mom did not answer my call or talk to me. When I went to Vietnam to see my mom, she had already passed away. Losing my mom was the biggest pain and loss I ever experienced in my entire life.
Guilt and regret suffocated me to the point where I started doubting my ability to go on with my life. And then I was guided to seek help from a medium. We were able to talk it out all and everything. I still miss my mom though.
I’ve been always sensitive since I was little and I am able to feel when spirits are around me. But, ever since my mother’s passing, I could feel spirits more clearly. It’s like someone turned on a light switch, but I had a hard time seeing and communicating with spirits though.
Desperately wanting to communicate with my mom and out of curiosity, I searched on the Internet for someone who could teach me how to become a spiritual bridge that connects people who are grieving in pain just like me with the loved ones in the spiritual world. I found quite a few teachers who teach mediumship, but my heart went to Yoshie and I decided to sign up for her mentorship program.
I had many negative beliefs and fear surrounding spirit communication, but Yoshie, with many years of experience working as a spiritual medium and her positive energy, helped me remove fear and doubts and brought me back to recognize innate ability, my spiritual gift.
Now, after going through Yoshie’s mentorship program, I’m so happy to say that I’m able to make connections, able to see communicating spirits, all thanks to Yoshie working hard to train and teach me.
In the past, I had no control over my sensitivity so I used to feel anxious and get scared whenever I sensed spirits but now I am in control of how I feel and I feel fanatic every time I connect with spirits. I’m so excited about being a spiritual medium and just love doing mediumship.
Yoshie also helped me to realize that I cannot give what I don’t have, and as a spiritual medium we are messengers of love and I can’t help heal others if I’m feeling broken and I do not feel broken anymore but feel empowered.
If you find something in common and resonate with my experiences, Yoshie will help you as she did for me. I highly recommend Yoshie and her mentorship program.

Yoshie Shinsato
Survivor of tragedy
Honolulu, HI
My life before working with Yoshie, I was lost, confused, hurt, outcasted by my hanai mother. Toxic people in my life at the time were tearing me down every day. My reality wasn’t what I thought it was and I felt like I had lost everything that mattered the most to me in life. Very broken to my core my sister passed in November 2019. After she passed I started having dreams of my dead relatives, especially my sister. I wanted to understand what was happening to me and make sense of it all. I was also seeing spirits in a friend’s home.
I wasn’t googling anything about spirit communication/mediumship but I found Yoshie’s website in March of 2019. Fast forward a year, in March of 2020, I come across Yoshie’s webpage again. I thought to myself it has to be a sign and signed up for her coaching program.
After working with Yoshie I’m now able to recognize when someone is intentionally trying to hurt me, I can tell when people are lying, and I can also connect to my sister and other loved ones.
I feel like a brand new me and it’s the first time I’m living my life!
The value I received from the coaching relationship with Yoshie was having Yoshie a part of my life during the most difficult time in my life. I thought I lived dark days, but I haven’t gone through tragedy after tragedy to where it felt there was no end. Problems I thought were complicated weren’t complicated. Easy fix, so simple. Yoshie is a wonder, smart, inspiring woman! I was so sad when our sessions ended. Yoshie became a part of my discovery to recovery!

Vanessa Hirayasu-Portus
Certified Reiki Master Teacher
Entrepreneur / Multi-small businesses owner
Honolulu, HI
Since I was little, I've been very empathic and always drawn to spiritual practices. I knew that I had special gifts but I didn’t know exactly what they were and how to actually use them in a way that can be helpful to others. My desire to explore my spiritual gifts got stronger as I got older and I have been trying to unfold my spiritual ability for more than 10 years but with very little success until Yoshie came into my life.
I’ve worked with her for the last 6 months and my words cannot express how wonderful this journey of working with Yoshie has been to me. I really appreciate her training and how wonderful Yoshie has been. She was very directional and her guidance was very clear. Her training helped me to awaken who I truly am and solidify my gift. Working with Yoshie has made my life’s purpose very clear – to become a healer and helper others. After working with her, I became more forgiving, loving, compassionate, and understanding towards my family, friends, and business associates.
I highly recommend Yoshie for anyone seeking guidance and/or personalized coaching. Yoshie helped me realize my full potential and she can help you reach yours as well!
Change Always Starts With You!
I want to support you through coaching on message crafting, your mindset, unique market positioning, clear action steps and strategies, and even trusting your intuition with confidence, plus discovering the work that you were born to do and get excited about every morning...and helping you find and live in alignment with your inner purpose. I’ll support you in breaking through stuck spots so you can move forward with confidence!
I invite you to say, “Yes!” now from a place of love for the life you want, the people you’re here to serve, and live your life purpose.
I know you can do it!
Warmest Aloha,
Yoshie Mia

Yoshie Miakoda Chihara
The Divine Purpose Unleashed Coach
To sign up for a "Unleash Your Divine Purpose Today" Clarity Session, Go Here. Unleash Your Divine Purpose Today Clarity Call
During the session:
We'll work together to create a powerful, crystal-clear vision for the kind of life you'd like to create.
We'll uncover the hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your success and living the life you desire.
And you'll leave the session renewed, reenergized, and inspired to finally live the purpose-driven life you truly desire.
Introductory Unleash Your Divine Purpose Clarity Session ($500 value)
Your investment: $250 (Limited Time Only)
Take Yourself One Step Closer to Unleashing Your Divine Purpose Today!