With Spirit
Tap into the power within and be amazed by it! You are an etneral spirit, powerful, beautiful, and everlasting. You hold the key to unlock all the doors to your life's solutions.
Course Numbers and Titles
Course 101:
Intensive Spirit Communication and Mediumship Development
Course 102:
Spiritualism and Mediumship
Course 103:
Understanding Natural Laws
Course 104:
Past Life vs. Mediumship
Course 201:
Reaching Higher – Spirit Communication (*Requirement: Course 101)
Reiki Level I Certification
Introduction to Reiki-Self Healing
Reiki Level II Certification
(*Requirement: Level I)
Healing Others and Distant Healing
Reiki Level III Certification
(*Requirement: Level II)
Advanced Reiki Practitioner
How to Register
*Please check our events calendar for the course schdules.
A $150 non-refundable deposit is required to register for all two-day courses. You may register online with your credit card. You may also send a
$150 deposit (check or cash). Please include the course number you are registering for, your name, address, phone number, and email address with your payment.
The remaining balance is due in full two weeks prior to the scheduled courses.
All courses listed can be purchased via our online store.
Refund Policy
Payments received are considered final. No refunds will be issued.

Hawaii School of Mediumship and Psychic Studies
Mission Statement:
The Hawaii School of Mediumship and Psychic Studies offers individual students and groups a supportive and loving environment and platform to: build awareness of mediumship (spirit communication); to develop higher level mediumistic skills and abilities; and to support practitioners’ spiritual awareness to become more effective and conscious of the realm of universal spiritual progression.
Courses are open to anyone over the age of 18, subject to prior registration/approval.
HSMPS reserves the right to decline, accept, retain, or dismiss any person as a student at any time, with cause, such cause being at the sole discretion of HSMPS. A student is subject to dismissal if the student's conduct is such as to reflect in a negative manner on the profession, other students, or HSMPS.
Course charges:
Please refer to the Course Descriptions.
All tuition and fees must be paid in full two weeks prior to the start of classes /workshop.
All 100 series courses are introductory level. Courses 200 and above are intermediate and advanced level courses. Successful completion of 100 series courses are a prerequisite for 200 level and above courses.
Course duration ranges from 1.5 hours to 2 days.
Course 101:
Intensive Spirit Communication & Mediumship Development
Come experience a magical weekend of mediumship development training where you will surely be enthralled by the power of your Spirit within!
Spirit Communication and Mediumship Development is an informative and practical course that focuses on increasing broad awareness of the basics of mediumship. Through a combination of an overview of theory and mechanics of spirit communication, and experiential exercises and practical group work, students will have the opportunity to unfold and build upon your spiritual gifts.
This course is not only for those who want to or are already working
as a psychic or / and medium, but it is also for those who are ready to
make profound changes in your life. This course will give you the tools you need to step right into your own power of magnificence and to live a beautiful Spirit-inspired life.
You will learn how to:
* Discover the Many Aspects of Mediumship
* Understand the Purposes of Mediumship
* Understand the Mechanics of Mediumship
* Attune to Soul Power and the Spirit
* Build Your Spiritual Power
* Interpret Personal Symbols
* Link with Spirit Communicators
* Blend with Spirit Communicators
* Hold a Link/Links with Spirit Communicators
* Differentiate Psychic Links from Spirit Links
* Understand the Purpose of Development Circles
* Discover Tools and Structure for Your Mediumship
* Give Mediumistic Readings
* Understand Mediumship Etiquette
* Become Part of Ongoing Support Group for Your Continuous Unfoldment
What's included:
2 day seminar ( Saturday 10:00 am. – 5:00 pm.; Sunday 10:00 am. – 5:00 pm.)
Course Manual
A Certificate of Completion
Max 6 People (min. 4)
Course 102:
Spiritualism and Mediumship
This course introduces students to the history and science of Spiritualism, from the early pioneers of spiritualism and mediumship in the 19th and 20th centuries, to the most significant international practitioners in the world today.
Duration: 1 1/2 hours
Online Seminar (Webinar)
Course 103:
Understanding Natural Laws
This course supports a very personal understanding of the great force that exists within and beyond this planet, and how this force deeply effects our lives on a daily basis. Becoming conscious of these universal laws and combining this knowledge with the power of your free will allow you to become an effective creator of your own desired reality.
Duration: 1 1/2 hours
Online Seminar (Webinar)
Course 104:
Past Life vs. Mediumship
This course focuses in depth on both Past Life and Mediumship theories, and how and understanding of these theories can shine a new light on the evidence of Past life and spirit communication.
Duration: 1 1/2 hours
Max 10 People (min. 4)
Course 201:
Reaching Higher – Spirit Communication Workshop
(*Requirement: Course 101 Intensive Spirit Communication Mediumistic Development Seminar)
This course is for students who have completed the Spirit Communication Mediumship Development Seminar and are serious about furthering their mediumistic development and abilities. Each student will have tutoring and plenty of opportunity to practice blending with your spirit team. The emphasis is on giving private readings. Through group work You'll learn how to fine-tune your own unique way of communicating with spirit communicators and to charge up your spiritual body in preparation for Spirit Communication.
Max 6 People (Min. 4)
What's included:
2 day seminar ( Saturday 10:00 am. – 5:00 pm.; Sunday 10:00 am. – 5:00 pm.)
A Certificate of Completion
Reiki Level I:
Introduction to Reiki and Self-Healing
In Level I Reiki Training, students gain a solid understanding of the history and principles of Reiki and become initiated as a Reiki practitioner. You will learn techniques to direct healing energy to yourself, other people, animals, plants, and inanimate objects for the higher good.
Students will:
• Gain knowledge of the history and principles of Reiki
• Explore the mechanics of Reiki Healing
• Recognize the seven major energy centers
• Identify and explain the process of disease and healing
• Demonstrate their role and responsibility as a healing practitioner
• Learn to handle problems during a healing session
• Demonstrate the basic hand positions for self-healing and working with others
• Demonstrate various techniques of working with animals and plants.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be conferred a Certificate of Completion in “Reiki Level I”.
Reiki Level II Certification:
Advanced Practitioner Certification
(*Prerequisite: Level I Certification)
In Level II Reiki Training, students will learn powerful symbols and techniques for conducting distant healing.
Upon completion, students will be able to:
• Understand and use five healing symbols
• Understand and practice distant healing techniques
• Recognize and diagnose bodily symbols
• Practice proper Reiki healing etiquette
• Become sensitized to energetic shifts and energy flow
• Demonstrate the structure of Reiki healing sessions
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be conferred a Certificate of Completion in “Reiki Advanced Practitioner”.
Reiki Level III:
Reiki Master Practitioner Certification
(*Prerequisite: Level I and Level II Certifications)
During this class you will received instruction in and demonstrate the techniques of Master attunement.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be conferred a Certificate of Completion as “Reiki Master Practitioner”.
Reiki Level IV:
Reiki Master Teacher Certification
(*Prerequisite: Level I, Level II, and Level III Certifications)
Reiki Level IV classes are only available to student practitioners who have been applying Reiki energy work for at least six months. During this class, the advanced student will learn to perform Reiki initiations and teach Reiki for all levels. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be conferred a Certificate of Completion as "Reiki Master Teacher".